Albina Schwartz was the 10th child of Joseph and Sophie (Loika) Schwartz. She was born on February 29, 1904, a leap-year baby. Albina milked five or six cows every morning and evening, storing the milk in the pantry in large pans. She did housework, fieldwork, picked peanuts, shelled corn, picked cotton and fed chickens.
As a girl, Albina, learned quilting – the tradition handed down from generation to generation. Piecing quilt tops gave her a lot of satisfaction through life.
She stayed with and cared for her mother in Moravia until she died on March 31, 1939, of pleurisy. After her mother’s death, Albina came to San Angelo to visit her siblings. She didn’t have time for dating, for she’d become passionate about being a caretaker of nieces and nephews.
After each stay, helping the family after a new baby was born, Albina would return to Moravia to assist her father at the homeplace, but eventually Joseph, wanted to move to San Angelo to be close to the rest of his children.
Bill bought a small frame house, a white bungalow, for his father and Albina to live in and placed it near his rock-house home on Eola Road, north of Wall, Texas. Albina cared for her father, even after he became bedridden, until his death on February 14, 1957. After his death, Albina continued living in the house that Bill provided. Albina fell and broke her hip in 1978. She died on November 14, 1978. She was 74.