The Ottilie Bucek family hosted the reunion in Hallettsville, Texas.
Welcome to the 38th Schwartz Family reunion.
The reunion concluded with a dance and the Grand Wedding March.
2023 Schwartz Reunion Minutes - July 8, 2023
American Legion Hall, Hallettsville, Texas - Host Family: Ottilia Schwartz Bucek family
PRESIDENT: Margie Krenek OFFICERS: Secretary - Lois Vogelsang, Treasurer - Dennis Bucek,
Program - Carol Bucek, COMMITTEE: Ottilia Bucek family
Friday, July 7, 2023
Schwartz Family Members were invited to view the Moravia Church and Cemetery where several family members are buried. Jean Bradley coordinated with the Schulenburg Chamber of Commerce President, Diana Mikesky, to allow family members to enter the church. After a tour of the church, Ms. Mikesky, provided a historical presentation about the church and cemetery. Approximately 60 family members were in attendance. The family then gathered at the Moravia Store for early registration and family visitation. This quiet, rural tavern was enjoyed by all present.
Saturday, July 8, 2023:
The meeting was called to order by Margie Krenek, President at 1:00 PM. She then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Brenden Olson provided the reunion prayer.
2021 Minutes were read by Lois Vogelsang - Secretary
Treasurer Report - Dennis Bucek- Starting balance $34,042.64 - Ending Balance $ 36,295.92
Recognition of Ottilia Bucek hosting family members. A total of —360 —registered for the reunion.
MEMORIAL: Joyce Mardis offered the Memorial Prayer. Jean Bradley recited the names of deceased family members since the last reunion. September 1,2021 - Alice Glass (William family), September 21,2021 - John Alonzo IV Mullin (William family), April 22, 2022 - Clayton Weishuhn (Hilda family), September 30,2022 - Theresa Schwartz Archer (Ernest family), October 11,2022 - Bobby Mac (Bobo)Mask (Martha family), January 29,2023 - Tim Shimek (Alfons family), Emily Genovese sang solo “Amazing Grace.”
Mikeska Caterer served 325 noon meals and 290 evening meals. Austin Miller, a descendant of William Schwartz and employee of Shiner Brewery assisted the reunion organizers by attaining three donated kegs of Shiner beer, which was a big hit.
OLD BUSINESS: Jean Ann LeGrand provided an update on the Genealogy History Book. She then delivered, along with a slide presentation, a very solemn and emotional rendition of her trip to visit the area where Grover Loika, spent his last days. Grover was the son of Charles Schwartz and brother to Sofie Schwartz. He served and died during the D Day invasion in Normandy, France.Barbara Mikulik gave an update on future plans to display the Schwartz Baptismal Dress at the Texas Czech & Cultural Center. The Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC) President/Chairman of the Board, Retta Chandler, definitely wants the baptismal dress of the Joseph and Sophie (Loika) Schwartz family to be located at TCHCC. A large contribution of money is being made to the cultural center in La Grange and with those funds, a new addition will be added onto the library in the main building. In that new addition, a portion of it will be designated for the native costumes (kroje) of different Czech regions. The baptismal dress, hand made by Sophie (Loika) Schwartz in 1893 and used by all 16 children born into the family, will be placed there as a reflection of the Czech Texan connection.A future date for the presentation of the christening garment has not been determined due to the design and construction timelines which are not yet set. Until then, the baptismal dress remains with Barbara Mikulik in her home in the San Angelo, Texas, area. Anyone from the family is welcome to visit and take pictures. NEW BUSINESS: LaVerne Schniers made a motion to refurbish the family gravestone at High Hill. The motion passed. Austin Miller volunteered to clean the gravestone. A motion was made to change the Schwartz Reunion Schedule, keeping the next two reunions in Wall with Ernest in 2025 and Willie Mae in 2027. The Motion passed.
MEETING ADJOURNED Family Recognitions - Margie Krenek- pictures - Mark Mardis1) Oldest Man - Erwin Schwartz 2) Oldest Woman - Frances Kocich 3) Youngest Child - Dane Schwartz 4) Longest Married - Eugene & Ethel Burger 5) Most recent married - Justin & Natasha Long 6) Youngest Grandmother - Brandi Dorsett 7) Youngest Grandfather - Garret Dorsett 8) Most distance traveled - Tisha Schwartz. A game of “Are You Smarter Than a Schwartz 5th Grader” was led by Jodie Bawcom, Jean Bradley and Gary Bucek. Volunteers from each Family Descendent made up the contestant list. Score keeping - David and Dina Krenek. *Winner - Barbara Mikulik – Hilda Schwartz Mikulik. Live Auction led by Mitch Mardis. Auctioneer - Dale Gold. Silent Auction led by Donna Pyka. Mass was attended at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hallettsville. Followed by - Dinner, Family Photos, Grand March, Dancing/Visiting. Event ended at 10:00 PM Submitted by Lois Vogelsang, Secretary July 20, 2023